If you are in this blog then you must been having this error..
here is list of Fixes i found over the internet and some i tested my self..
1- Run the game in DirectX10 .
Go to Documents >Rockstar Games > GTA V.Open the settings XML Document with notepad.
Change the DX Version value to zero.
For example ( < DX_Version value="2" /> to < DX_Version value="0" /> )..
2- Update your graphic card Drivers..
3- Delete d3dcsx_46.dll AND d3dcompiler.dll from your
GTA V installation folder it says that u need to verify again,
but DON'T DO IT it just download the same ones again
in 90% of the cases you get the crashes again, just delete
them and don't re-download them.
4- Downclocking your card GPU and MEM (High Risks).
5- Quit All softwares like : skype, Nvidia Streamer Service ....
6- Reinstall the directX setup from the GTA5 folder..
7- change plan settings to High Performance from Power options..
8- Go to your System32 folder and search for this: d3d*.*
Choose all (files only no folders..) and delete..
just press ignore/skip if they are in use..
then go:
download and install the directX runtime.
9- Run the game in safemode..
10- Turn off VSync and Tessellation and AA, AO.
and play in Windowed Borderless mode.
11- Install GTA V Latest Updates (like Update 5)..
12- set Water Quality to Noraml..
13-Use "driver sweeper" to clean all Nvidia drivers, (not tested by me)
reboot and install the latest again.
14- Stop Multi-GPU using.( not tested by me & may have Risks )
15- Use Bnadicam FPS limiter and start recording while playing.
(this made me pass first mission in GTA V)
16- Manually installing the DXSETUP.exe in the GTA V folder.
Thos are the fixes i found..
will be updated when more fixes come out...